Past Performance   Mar 5th-Mar 28th 2010    Fri, Sat 8:00pm; Sun 2:00pm


A Drama
by: Lee Blessing

Directed by: Jay Mower
Produced by: Sherrie and Joel Colbourn

"Hats off to Blessing, Mower and the entire cast. This play is a winner." North County Times.

"an emotional wringer...a complicated adult drama that succeeds"

The setting is the small town of Independence, Iowa, the lifelong home of Evelyn Briggs.
Her oldest daughter, Kess, is a university professor in Minneapolis, but she has come home at the request of her sister, Jo who is concerned for Evelyn's mental health.

Kess wants to cut her family ties once and for all; Jo, an incurable romantic and longtime virgin, has now become pregnant; while Sherry, salty-tongued and amoral, wants only to finish high school so she can leave home for good.
In the end, there is no accommodation possible but, instead, only a kind of arbitrary independence.


Dee Kelley
Kaly McKenna
Krysti Litt
Maleia Gruber
Dee KelleyKaly McKennaKrysti Litt
Maleia GruberDirector: Jay Mower
Cast Photos by Tony Eisenhower

Publicity Photos by Tony Eisenhower

Technical Production Team:

Assistant DirectorChaike Levine
Stage ManagerChaike Levine
Assistant Stage ManagerSuanne Van Nattan
Set DesignersSherrie and Joel Colbourn
Set DressersSherrie Colbourn, Sabato Fiorello
Construction ManagerJoel Colbourn
Set Construction TeamJoel Colbourn, Sherrie Colbourn, Jeff Courtney, Jeff Guthrie, Sabato Fiorello, John Seagren, Amanda Eggers, Susan and Vet Woolf
Scenic DesignerSabato Fiorello
Paint CrewMaxine Brunton, Sherrie Colbourn, Rudena Christopher, Nancy Datte, Amanda Eggers, Sabato Fiorello, Lynn Lang, Marie Lang,Carolyn Nouris, Mary Lou Reyen, Lila Theofel, Suanne Van Nattan
Sound DesignDavid Farlow, Jay Mower
Lighting DesignChad Oakley
Light/Sound TechnicianJeff Guthrie
Costume DesignersLeona Stringfield, Sherrie Colbourn
PropertiesChaike Levine
Box Office ManagerHelen McGuinness
House ManagersBrenda and Chris Robinson
ProgramsLaura Blair Johnson
WebmasterPeter McGuinness
PhotographerTony Eisenhower
Program Cover/Poster Art DesignCarolyn Wheat
PosterChris Cote at Grafiks
PublicityAaron Hirschorn

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    Poway, CA 92064

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