Past Performance   Sep 27th-Oct 27th 2019   
Fri, Sat 8:00pm; Sun Matinee 2:00pm; Special Sat Matinee Oct 12th at 2PM

Same Time Next Year

Same Time Next Year
A Timeless Romantic Comedy
by: Bernard Slade

Directed by: Samantha Goldstein
Produced by: Joel Colbourn & Lynn Wolsey

One of the most popular romantic comedies of the century, Same Time, Next Year ran four years on Broadway, winning a Tony® Award for lead actress Ellen Burstyn, who later recreated her role in the successful motion picture. It remains one of the world’s most widely produced plays. The plot follows a love affair between two people, Doris and George, married to others, who rendezvous once a year. Twenty-five years of manners and morals are hilariously and touchingly played out by the lovers.

Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.


Melanie Mino
Daniel Watts
Joel Colbourn
Lynn Wolsey
Melanie MinoDaniel WattsJoel Colbourn
Lynn WolseyDirector: Samantha Goldstein
Cast Photos by Daren Scott

Publicity Photos by Daren Scott and Sarah

Technical Production Team:

Production AssistantsMaggie Bomis, Ruth Woodbeck
RehearsalGoddessesMaggie Bomis, Jeanette Green, Ruth Woodbeck
Stage ManagerSarah Pistone
Crew/The MaidJeanette Green
Set DesignJoel Colbourn, Samantha Goldstein, David Newman
Sound DesignSamantha Goldstein, David Newman
Lighting DesignMark J. Zetler
Costume DesignSamantha Goldstein
Costume AssistantsMaggie Bomis, Ruth Woodbeck
ConstructionJoel Colbourn, Jeff Courtney, Gil Savage, Lynn Wolsey
Set PaintingSherron Rosenberg, Gil Savage, Lynn Savage, Lynn Wolsey
Scenic PaintingLynn Wolsey
PropertiesSamantha Goldstein, Maggie Bomis, Ruth Woodbeck
Set DressingSamantha Goldstein
Sound & Lighting TechnicianKatie McNabb
HospitalityMaxine Brunton, Sharon Tooley
Box OfficeDebi Pope
PhotographyDaren Scott
PromotionsGil Savage, David Newman, M.G. Perez
PublicityLynn Wolsey
Poster/ProgramLynn Wolsey

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    Poway, CA 92064

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