Directed by: Robyn Smith
Produced by: Chris & Brenda Robinson
Special Benefit Performance of Nana's Naughty Knickers --featuring Yvonne Lindroth Silva as Vera. Proceeds to benefit PowPAC and MMACC. To be held on Saturday, June 17, 2017, at 3:00 pm. Ticket price of 50.00 includes dinner with cast members following performance. Complimentary wine and beverages.
Sylvia Charles Vera Walters Bridget Charles Tom O'Grady Mr. Schmidt Heather Van Pree Clair UPS Guy Assistant Director
Linda Benning
Yvonne Lindtroth Silva
Christina Cunningham
Joshua Meihaus
Tom Pierpoint
Jenay Sarah
Jackie Byrom
Alejandro Gutierrez
Deanne Theodore