Past Performance   Sep 16th-Sep 25th 2011    Fri, Sat 7:00pm; Sun 2:00pm

Melodrama: Because Their Hearts Were Pure; or, The Secret of the Mine.

Melodrama: Because Their Hearts Were Pure; or, The Secret of the Mine.
by: Morland Cary

Directed by: Missy Hendrick
Produced by: Barbara Seagren

PowPAC’s 10th annual melodrama, “Because Their Hearts Were Pure; or, the Secret of the Mine” by Morland Cary is a family-friendly show that encourages audience participation.

The plot: Blissfully betrothed Goodwin Dalrymple (YAY!) and Melody Truelove (SIGH!) are future heirs to the coal mine jointly owned by their widowed mothers.

A bright life stretches before them… until the evil banker, Sebastian Hardacre (BOO)/HISS!), forecloses on the widows.

Will heartless Hardacre jeopardize the young couple’s dreams... or will heroic Goodwin save the day?


Toby Appel
Jackie Restivo
Roxanne Conowitch
Charmaine Reed
Charmaine Reed
Elizabeth Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson
Charley Miller
Dillon Thomas
Clayton Gage
Dean Goddette
Allan Rothfarb
Steve Heyl
Steve Heyl
Dan Glenn
Widow Dalrymple
Widow Truelove
Melody Truelove
Miss Hatchett
Shanghai Mamie
Lulu Mae
Patience Faithful
Sebastian Hardacre
Goodwin Dalrymple
Will Faithful
Mr Bleakley
Mr Grimstone
Michael Finn
Mr Prymm
Guitar Player & Singer
Widow DalrympleWidow TrueloveMelody Truelove
Miss HatchettShanghai MamieLulu Mae
Patience FaithfulSebastian HardacreGoodwin Dalrymple
Will FaithfulMr BleakleyMr Grimstone
Michael FinnMr PrymmGuitar Player & Singer
Cast Photos by Gerry Reeves

Publicity Photos by Gerry Reeves

Technical Production Team:

PreshowMissy Hendrick, Barbara Seagren
Assistant DirectorCharmaine Reed
Stage ManagerSteve Heyl
Assistant Stage ManagersClayton Gage, Dan Glenn
Sound design Lou Alliano
Lighting designCatherine McGuinness
TechnicianAlicia York
CostumesSherrie Colbourn, Susan Davis, Keiko Grant
PropertiesMaxine Brunton, Cindy McCrea, Carolyn Steiert
Set DresserSabato Fiorello
ProgramLaura Johnson
Still PhotographyGerry Reeves
VideographyJohn Heinen
WebmasterPeter McGuinness
Box officeHelen McGuinness
FacebookCatherine McGuinness

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    13250 Poway Rd.
    Poway, CA 92064

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