Renee Gandola | Craig McCobb | Vet Woolf |
Haig Koshkarian | Patrick Stowe | Katie O’Brien |
Edward Ewert | Director: Heidi Ward |
Assistant Director | Sherrie Colbourn |
Script Secretary/ Stage Manager | Susan Woolf |
Set Design | Heidi Ward |
Set Dressing | Sabato Fiorello |
Properties | Sherrie Colbourn, Sabato Fiorello |
Lighting Design | Jeff Guthrie |
Sound Design | Lou Alliano |
Costume Design | Donna Reed |
Technician, Sound & Lights | Catherine McGuinness |
Photographer | Tony Eisenhower |
Publicity/Facebook | Bonnie Nicholls |
Program Cover/Flyers and Poster Art Design | Lynn Wolsey |
Programs | Laura Blair Johnson |
Printing | JRC |
Construction Mgr. | Joel Colbourn |
Set Construction Team | Maxine Brunton, Joel and Sherrie Colbourn, Ed Ewert, sabato Fiorello, Missy hendrick, Chris Robinson, Carolyn Steiert, Vet and Susan Woolf,Alicia York |
House Managers | Brenda and Chris Robinson |
Box Office Manager | Helen McGuinness |
Poster | Chris Cote at Grafix |
Website Manager | Peter McGuinness |
Volunteer Coordinator | Maxine Brunton |